Your Community

Water + Water Safety

Your suburb borders the important waterways of the Murrumbidgee river and Ginninderry Creek. Because of this water sensitive urban design has been a key feature of the initial planning.


As you can see, all the rain that falls around your home and in your suburb either goes into your rainwater tank, for use in your toilet, garden or laundry, or falls on the ground surface where it either gets diverted to water the kerbside trees or flows into storm water runoff, making its way through the wetlands and ponds to eventually irrigate the open spaces or flow back into the river.

Retaining water within the suburb is an important tool in addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect.

As the Murrumbidgee River is of high ecological importance it is important to care for the quality of water run-off from your own home and land.


  • Keep your street clear of leaves, particularly during Autumn’s heavy leaf falls, so that storm water drains don’t get blocked.
  • Take care of what runs into the drain from your place.
  • Pick up rubbish before it can get flushed down the drain.
  • Familiarise yourself with your rainwater system.
Top Tip!

Oil from motor cars and lawn mowers can be collected in a sealed bucket and dropped off at nearby collection points. Find your nearest collection point.


In the heat of Summer Australians often retreat to the water to cool down. If you would like to brush up on your swimming confidence and if your children need to learn to swim here are some local options to explore.

MacGregor King Swim offers programs for children

CISAC in Belconnen offers swimming programs for kids up to adult classes.

The closest natural swimming holes are at Uriarra Crossing and Casuarina Sands on the Murrumbidgee River. These are unmonitored so please assess your own swimming competency in each situation.

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