Moving In

2 Weeks

Letter box

Don’t forget your letterbox! This can be a simple matter of buying one from your local hardware store, or discussing this with your builder.

Please note that houses that front onto Pro Hart Avenue have letterboxes already installed.

If you are backing onto a lane way installing a parcel drop box as well as a doorbell on your lane side may also assist with receiving deliveries. You can include your actual address on your parcel box.

Change of Address Checklist

This is a very handy checklist to get you started on changing your address with all relevant parties. It can be a big job, so print this and use it to help you go through them all.

Mail Redirection

It could take up to three days for a redirection service to come into effect, so you may want to make sure this is done well before leaving your previous home.

Waste Bins

To order your new waste bins contact Access Canberra. You can use this form to order new bins. Recycling and household waste bins are available for all Canberra residents.

You can apply for a green waste bin from ACT Green Waste Bins which can take green waste, but not compost. Food Organics and Garden Organics may come to Strathnairn soon. In the meantime you can register your interest to Capital Scraps if you’d like to join in on their Compost Collection service.

Bins in Strathnairn are collected on Thursday (alternate weeks for recycling). Verge Collection Days can be found here. It’s a good idea to put these days into your calendar so you don’t forget!


You may want to arrange home and contents insurance for your new home. If you already have this insurance don’t forget to change your address and other details with your provider. You will also need to update your car insurance with your new address details.


Book a removalist or ask some friends and family to help you with your moving day.

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